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Top Telehealth App Ideas For the Healthcare Sector

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the telehealth market was rising with the adoption of new technologies like smartphones, and tablets, among others. According to a recent report by MARKETS AND MARKETS,  the telehealth app market is predicted to reach USD 203.6 billion by 2025.

We can thank the latest technologies for the improvements made in the healthcare sector. Now, healthcare institutions provide immediate solutions to a patient’s problems, and time-consuming tasks, such as visitation, and medical paperwork are eliminated as everything is available on our mobile screens.

The technology has opened the door for opportunities to make the healthcare sector digital with innovative ideas. In this article, we will take a look at some of the innovative telehealth app ideas that can boost the functioning of the healthcare sector.

Let’s start with the list.

  • Medical record application:
    It is common for patients to lose their medical history, and reports, leaving them with no option but to revisit the healthcare facilities and waste hours recollecting them. In situations like this, a medical record application can be the best rescue for them. A medical record application enables patients to keep all their records in one place, making it efficient and hassle-free. Besides keeping the medical history safe, it also allows the healthcare expert to compare your progress from previous tests. For the healthcare sector to benefit from this digital innovation, hospitals, doctors, nurses, and patients need to be informed on how this application can act as a personal diary entry for their health.
  • Health reminder application:
    Health reminder applications help people achieve their personal health goals by reminding them to do certain tasks that keep them healthy. For example, to remind them to take their medications on time or about their routine check-ups. Healthcare solutions apps like this are much needed as often people forget to take care of themselves because of their hectic schedules.
  • Pharmacy delivery application:
    Pharmacy delivery apps enable people to order their medicines using their mobile phones from the comfort of their homes. These applications provide an easy solution for people who are sick and can not visit the pharmacy. Moreover, this healthcare solution also provides a wider range of medicine availability. The pharmacy delivery applications also helped people during the lockdown period of COVID-19 as they allowed them to take care of their medical needs without leaving their homes.
  • Appointment booking application:
    Appointment booking apps enable patients to know the doctor’s availability and the cost of consultation. These apps also allow patients to book their doctor’s appointments, thereby saving the time wasted while standing in a cue to book slots.
  • Self-health assessment application:
    With all the information available online, people like to visit different search engines to find information about their health. Studies show that 35% of U.S adults use online diagnoses to figure out their medical conditions which do not always turn out to be true. To acquire credible information about their health, people can use AI-powered self-health assessment apps. These apps will give them the right information and also inform them when to see a doctor. It also helps practitioners to get more information about different types of symptoms.
  • Nutrition tracking application:
    According to DBMR, the U.S. Diet and nutrition apps Market was valued at USD 2,187.63 million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 15,017.42 million by 2029, registering a CAGR of 21.40% during the forecast period of 2022-2029. The fast lives of people have left them concerned about their health and the type of food they are consuming. Therefore, nutrition-tracking apps have a significant impact on the healthcare market.
  • On-demand consultation application:
    Before COVID-19, in-person consultations were preferred by patients, but nowadays remote consultations are more common. Developing an app that provides emergency consultation, schedules telephone appointments, makes online payments, and provides online prescriptions by the doctor can be a boon for the healthcare market.

Basic requirements for telehealth application

  • 1. User-friendly UI:
    Complex interfaces leave visitors uninterested and dissatisfied, resulting in continuous changes and failure. Hence, developing a user-friendly application that is easy to use and pleasant to look at, should be the top priority.
  • 2. App registration and login interface:
    The registration and login process should not be lengthy or complicated. Providing your customers with a secure interface and completing registration in no time can be beneficial for your application.
  • 3. Safety and security:
    A telehealth app should protect the patients’ data at all costs. If patient information is compromised, it could lead to a loss of trust among the patients and legal action from those who have had their data stolen. Make sure you design an app that blocks all kinds of unauthorized access and follows effective security measures across all of its systems and networks.
  • 4. Multilingual support:
    An app providing 3 or 4 language alternatives always makes the cut. It improves user experience and reaches a larger audience with ease. It would be an add-on if it also translates the medical phrases.
  • 5. Patient data collection:
    A telehealth app should be able to manage patients’ data efficiently. Data such as medical records, lab results, and prescriptions from various healthcare providers should be stored securely and act as a health diary that tracks improvement in patients’ health.


Some of the healthcare app ideas that can help you grow and put your thoughts to action.

If you are looking for an app development partner to turn your idea into reality, then you are at the right place.

Jellyfish Technologies is known for timely delivery, scalable solutions, competitive pricing, and reliable customer service.

We provide end-to-end web and mobile-based solutions covering UI/UX, front-end development, feature enhancement, API development & integration, back-end development, security, deployment, and maintenance.

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