Top 15 Best Mobile App Development Languages for 2024

Best Programming Languages for Mobile App Development

Nowadays, mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. As the demand for innovative and exciting mobile applications continues to grow, application developers across the globe are constantly seeking the most efficient and effective programming languages for mobile app development projects. 

According to a report, the market for app downloads is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.4% between 2022 and 2030. This growth is expected to result in an estimated value of USD 565.40 billion by 2030. 

While the number of app downloads has been increasing steadily from 2016 to 2022, in 2023, the global app downloads stagnated, reaching 257 billion downloads, as per a report by Statista, which indicates a one percent year-over-year increase.

In any mobile app development project, selecting the appropriate programming languages for app development is essential. The foundation of your mobile app determines how well it works, how easy it is to keep up, and how it can adapt to new needs and grow. 

In today’s fast-changing tech world, picking languages for mobile application development that meet current needs and have lots of support is key. It’s also vital to think about how it can keep up with future changes and improvements.

With 2024 on the go, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve and practice the top mobile app development languages that will dominate the market. In this blog post, we’ll explore the 17 best languages for mobile app development in 2024, highlighting their strengths, use cases, and why they should be on your radar.

What Is a Programming Language?

Before getting into the detailed structure of the top mobile app dev languages, let’s know what a programming language is. A programming language is a formal language designed to communicate instructions to a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks. 

It consists of a set of rules, syntax, and semantics that allow developers to write code that can be interpreted or compiled into machine-readable instructions.

Programming languages for apps are the backbone of application development, enabling developers to deliver applications, websites, operating systems, and various other digital solutions. They provide a structured way to express logic, algorithms, and data manipulation, allowing developers to translate their ideas into functional mobile applications.

With a wider range of mobile development programming languages available, taking into account “what is the best language for mobile app development”?” becomes crucial to your project requirements. Let’s get acquainted with some of the top-performing languages for mobile apps.

Languages for Mobile App Development

Behind the seamless functionality and intuitive user interfaces of these apps lies a complex framework built on app programming languages structured for the mobile environment. From Android programming to iOS, the choice of the best language for your app significantly influences the performance, scalability, and overall success of a mobile application.

Whether you’re a skilled developer looking to expand your skill set or a business owner embarking on a mobile app venture, understanding the strengths and capabilities of each language is crucial for making informed decisions and delivering exceptional mobile experiences.

When it comes to mobile app development, programming languages can be broadly categorized into three main types: native programming languages, hybrid programming languages, and cross-platform languages.

Native Programming Languages

When it comes to native mobile app development, choosing the right programming language is paramount for crafting high-performance and user-friendly applications. Let’s take a closer look at some of the prominent languages tailored specifically for building native apps:

Native Mobile App Development  Languages

1. Kotlin

As the officially endorsed language for Android app makers, Kotlin has swiftly risen in popularity due to its modern syntax, conciseness, and seamless interoperability with Java. 

It offers developers enhanced safety features, Kotlin has become the go-to choice for Android programming and building efficient and maintainable Android applications.

ProsConcise syntax, interoperability with Java, reduced boilerplate code.
ConsSmaller community compared to Java, slower compilation.
Real-World ExampleAdopted by companies like Pinterest and Trello for Android apps.

2. Swift

Developed by Apple, Swift has revolutionized the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS app development landscape. With its emphasis on safety, expressiveness, and performance.

It enables developers to create sophisticated and intuitive applications for Apple’s diverse range of platforms. Its modern features and standard library make Swift an ideal choice for crafting immersive user experiences.

ProsModern syntax, high performance, and full access to iOS APIs.
ConsLimited to Apple platforms, lacks backward compatibility.
Real-World ExampleDominant language for iOS apps including Airbnb and Lyft.

3. Java

While Kotlin has emerged as the preferred language for Android development, Java continues to hold its ground as a stalwart in the realm of native mobile development language. With its widespread adoption and mature ecosystem, Java remains a trusted choice for building robust and scalable Android applications. 

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Many existing codebases and libraries are written in Java, making it a pragmatic option for developers. To determine whether Java or Kotlin is more suitable for your application development projects, please read our blog.

ProsPlatform independence, strong community support, robust performance.
ConsVerbosity, memory consumption, slower compilation.
Real-World ExampleUsed for Android apps like WhatsApp, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

4. Objective-C

Although largely overshadowed by Swift in recent years, Objective-C still maintains relevance in certain domains and legacy codebases within the iOS development community. With its dynamic nature and close ties to Apple’s frameworks, Objective-C remains a viable option for developers working on specialized projects or maintaining existing iOS applications.

ProsMature, access to Apple’s APIs, well-suited for legacy projects.
ConsSteeper learning curve, and less modern syntax compared to Swift.
Real-World ExamplePowering legacy iOS apps like Airbnb and Dropbox.

Each of these application development programming languages offers unique strengths and capabilities, catering to the specific requirements and preferences of developers and businesses alike. 

Whether you’re targeting the Android or iOS ecosystem, selecting the right language is essential for achieving optimal performance, scalability, and user satisfaction in your native mobile app development programming.

Hybrid Programming Languages

Hybrid mobile app programming language has gained significant traction in recent years, offering a compelling blend of web and native functionalities. At the forefront of this movement are HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, the cornerstone technologies powering the modern web. 

Hybrid Mobile App Development  Languages

With the emergence of progressive web apps (PWAs), developers can harness the power of these web standards to create mobile-friendly applications that seamlessly integrate with both web and native environments.

5. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript

HTML5, with its versatile markup language, lays the foundation for structuring content, while CSS provides the styling prowess necessary to create visually stunning interfaces. 

JavaScript, renowned for its versatility and ubiquity, adds dynamic functionality and interactivity to web applications. Together, these technologies empower developers to craft engaging mobile experiences that rival their native counterparts.


ProsRich multimedia support, semantic structure, and offline capabilities.
ConsBrowser compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, learning curve.
Real-World ExampleUtilized in web development for creating interactive websites, web apps, and mobile apps by companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook.


ProsStyling flexibility, responsive design, modular architecture.
ConsSpecificity conflicts, browser inconsistencies, and lack of robust layout options.
Real-World ExampleEmployed in conjunction with HTML for styling web pages and applications, utilized by companies such as Airbnb, Spotify, and Netflix.


ProsVersatile scripting language, client-side interactivity, extensive libraries/frameworks.
ConsBrowser compatibility challenges, asynchronous programming complexities, and potential performance bottlenecks.
Real-World ExampleUtilized by companies like Amazon, PayPal, and LinkedIn.

Cross-Platform Languages and Frameworks

Cross-platform development languages have revolutionized mobile application languages, offering developers the ability to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms. 

Among the languages and frameworks available, some stand out for their efficiency, performance, and ease of use. Let’s delve into these cross-platform languages and frameworks:

6. Python

It is known for its simplicity and readability and is a versatile programming language. With a rich library ecosystem and clean syntax, it’s favored for web development, data analysis, AI, and more. Its interpreted nature enables rapid prototyping and testing, appealing to both beginners and experts. 

ProsVersatility, readability, extensive library support.
ConsPerformance limitations, global interpreter lock (GIL) issues, and slower execution speed compared to compiled languages.
Real-World ExampleUtilized by companies such as Google, Facebook, and Netflix for web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation tasks.

7. React Native

Developed by Facebook, React Native has gained widespread popularity for its ability to build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. With React Native, developers can achieve near-native performance while leveraging a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms. Its component-based architecture facilitates code reuse, speeding up development and reducing maintenance overhead.

ProsCross-platform, code reuse, fast development cycles.
ConsPerformance overhead, platform-specific bugs, and less control over UI.
Real-World ExampleEmployed by companies like Walmart, Tesla, and Uber Eats for cross-platform apps.

8. Flutter

Backed by Google, Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit renowned for its fast development cycles and expressive UI designs. Using the Dart programming language, Flutter enables developers to create natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms from a single codebase. 

Its reactive framework empowers developers to build beautiful, feature-rich apps with a highly customizable user interface.

ProsHigh-performance, hot reload, expressive UI.
ConsLarger app sizes, and fewer third-party libraries compared to native languages.
Real-World ExampleEmployed by Google Ads, Alibaba, and Reflectly for cross-platform apps.

9. Xamarin

Microsoft’s Xamarin framework empowers developers to build cross-platform mobile apps using C#. Leveraging the .NET ecosystem, Xamarin enables seamless integration with platform-specific APIs, ensuring a native user experience across iOS, Android, and Windows devices. 

ProsCross-platform development, code sharing, native performance.
ConsLearning curve, platform-specific limitations, large app size.
Real-World ExampleUtilized by companies such as Alaska Airlines, Honeywell, and UPS for building cross-platform mobile apps.

With Xamarin.Forms, developers can further accelerate development by sharing a significant portion of the codebase while still achieving platform-specific customization.

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10. C# 

With Xamarin, C# emerges as a powerful language for cross-platform mobile app development. Known for its robustness and performance, C# offers developers a familiar syntax and rich ecosystem, making it an ideal choice for building apps that run seamlessly on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. 

Developers can leverage the extensive libraries and frameworks available in the .NET ecosystem, enhancing productivity and enabling rapid application development.

ProsCode sharing, native performance, extensive tooling.
ConsLarger app sizes, platform limitations, and learning curve for C#.
Real-World ExampleUtilized by UPS, Alaska Airlines, and BBC for cross-platform apps.

We know that there are various technologies available for native and cross-platform application development. To ensure a seamless user experience, it is crucial to identify which of these – native or cross-platform application development – works best for your business.

Emerging Software Development Languages

In the ever-evolving realm of software development, staying abreast of emerging programming languages is crucial for harnessing the latest advancements and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Here, we delve into four noteworthy languages that are making waves in the tech industry, each with its unique scope, advancements, and applications.

11. Dark 

Dark is a newer entrant in the cross-platform development arena, offering a unique approach to simultaneously building backend and frontend components. With Dark, developers can write code in a single language and deploy it across various platforms, including mobile. 

ProsSeamless backend integration, automatic scaling, and real-time collaboration.
ConsLimited documentation, potential learning curve, early-stage development.
Real-World ExampleAdopted by organizations like Stripe for building scalable and collaborative backend systems.

While still in its early stages, Dark is promising to simplify the development process and reduce the complexity of building cross-platform applications.

12. WebAssembly

WebAssembly (Wasm) emerged as a groundbreaking technology designed to bridge the gap between high-level application development programming languages and the performance of native code. By introducing a portable, compact binary format that runs at near-native speeds, WebAssembly enables developers to build web applications with unprecedented performance. 

ProsHigh performance, language agnostic, runs in web browsers.
ConsLimited browser support, debugging complexity, larger code size.
Real-World ExampleEmployed by companies like Figma, Autodesk, and Sketchup for running complex applications in web browsers.

With support from major browsers, WebAssembly is poised to revolutionize web development by unlocking new possibilities for complex, compute-intensive applications such as games, video editing, and virtual reality experiences.

13. Julia

Julia has garnered attention as a high-level, high-performance programming language tailored for data science, numerical computing, and scientific computing. With its syntax reminiscent of MATLAB and Python, Julia offers a familiar yet powerful environment for data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling. 

ProsHigh-performance computing, easy syntax, extensive mathematical libraries.
ConsSmaller community, evolving ecosystem, interoperability challenges.
Real-World ExampleUtilized in scientific computing, finance, and machine learning by organizations such as MIT, IBM, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

What sets Julia apart is its remarkable speed, achieved through just-in-time (JIT) compilation and a sophisticated type system. As data-centric applications continue to proliferate, Julia emerges as a compelling choice for researchers, analysts, and developers seeking to leverage the full potential of modern computing architectures.

14. Go (Golang)

Go, commonly known as Golang, has rapidly gained popularity as a robust, statically typed programming language developed by Google. Engineered for simplicity, concurrency, and performance, Go excels in building scalable, efficient software systems, making it an ideal choice for cloud-native applications, microservices, and distributed systems. 

ProsConcurrency support, fast compilation, strong standard library.
ConsLimited generics support, dependency management complexities, learning curve.
Real-World ExampleAdopted by companies like Google, Uber, and Dropbox for building scalable backend services and distributed systems.

With a minimalistic syntax and built-in support for concurrency primitives like goroutines and channels, Go empowers developers to write clean, concurrent code with ease. As the demand for cloud computing and scalable infrastructure grows, Go emerges as a go-to language for building resilient, high-performance applications.

15. Rust

Rust has emerged as a game-changer in systems programming, offering a unique combination of safety, concurrency, and performance. Developed by Mozilla Research, Rust aims to address the shortcomings of existing systems languages like C and C++ by providing memory safety without sacrificing performance.

ProsMemory safety, zero-cost abstractions, strong community.
ConsA steeper learning curve, slower compilation times, and limited ecosystem.
Real-World ExampleEmployed by organizations such as Mozilla, Dropbox, and npm for developing system-level software, command-line tools, and performance-critical applications.

App Development Language Trends 2024

As we step into 2024, the landscape of app development continues to evolve, driven by emerging trends that shape the way developers build and deploy applications. In this technical blog, we’ll explore five key language trends dominating the app development scene in 2024. 

Additionally, we invite you to check out our blog post to learn more about Web Application Development Frameworks and how they can help you in your projects.

1. Low-Code and No-Code Development

Low-code and no-code development platforms have surged in popularity, allowing developers to create applications with minimal hand-coding for app development. 

These platforms offer visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built templates, enabling rapid prototyping and deployment. With low-code and no-code tools, developers can streamline the development process, reduce time-to-market, and empower non-technical users to participate in app creation.

2. Cross-Platform Development

Cross-platform development frameworks like Flutter, React Native, and Xamarin continue to gain momentum, offering developers the ability to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms. 

By leveraging a single codebase, developers can reach a broader audience, reduce development costs, and maintain consistency across different devices and operating systems. With advancements in cross-platform tooling and performance optimization, these frameworks have become indispensable for building modern, scalable applications.

3. Edge Computing

Edge computing has emerged as a game-changer in app development, enabling real-time processing and analysis of data at the edge of the network. By decentralizing computation and moving it closer to the data source, edge computing minimizes latency, enhances security, and reduces bandwidth usage. 

Programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ are instrumental in developing edge applications, enabling developers to harness the power of edge computing for IoT devices, mobile apps, and immersive experiences.

4. AI and Machine Learning Integration

AI and machine learning have permeated every facet of app development, from predictive analytics to natural language processing. Programming languages like Python, R, and TensorFlow are at the forefront of AI development, providing robust libraries and frameworks for building intelligent, data-driven applications. 

By integrating AI capabilities into mobile apps, developers can personalize user experiences, automate repetitive tasks, and unlock new levels of innovation and efficiency.

5. IoB in Mobile Apps

The Internet of Behavior (IoB) has emerged as a key trend in mobile app development, focusing on analyzing and influencing user behavior through data collection and analysis. Programming languages like JavaScript, Swift, and Kotlin play a crucial role in developing IoB-enabled apps, enabling developers to gather insights from user interactions, preferences, and habits. 

By leveraging IoB technologies, developers can deliver personalized experiences, enhance user engagement, and drive business growth.

What Factors Make a Difference in the Best Programming Languages for Developing Mobile Apps?

We have seen earlier what language is used for mobile app development. Now we’ll look into the  key considerations in selecting the most suitable language or framework for your mobile app development project, consider the following factors:

1. Target Platform(s)

Evaluate whether you need to build for a specific platform (e.g., iOS or Android) or require cross-platform compatibility.

2. Performance Requirements

Assess the performance needs of your app, as some languages and frameworks may be better suited for resource-intensive applications or games.

3. Development Team Expertise

Consider the existing skills and expertise of your development team, as familiarity with a language can significantly impact productivity and code quality.

4. Learning Curve

Evaluate the learning curve associated with each language or framework, particularly if you’re introducing new technologies to your team.

5. Community and Ecosystem

A vibrant community and robust ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources can greatly facilitate development and troubleshooting.

6. Future maintainability and scalability- Choose languages and frameworks that offer long-term support, active development, and the ability to scale as your app grows in complexity.

Real-World Examples Of Mobile App Development Languages

Certainly! Here are some real-world case studies and examples of products developed using various best app development languages.

1. WhatsApp (React Native)

WhatsApp, one of the most widely used messaging apps worldwide, was originally developed using React Native. This cross-platform framework allowed developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms, significantly reducing development time and effort. React Native’s performance and efficiency have enabled WhatsApp to deliver a seamless messaging experience to millions of users globally.

2. Instagram (Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android)

Instagram, the popular photo and video-sharing social networking service, utilizes Swift for iOS development and Kotlin for Android development. These native languages provide robust performance and access to platform-specific features, allowing Instagram to deliver a polished and responsive user experience tailored to each platform’s requirements.

3. Pinterest (Python, Java)

Pinterest, the popular visual discovery and bookmarking platform, utilizes a combination of Python for its backend services and Java for its Android app development. Python’s simplicity and versatility make it ideal for handling Pinterest’s data processing and machine learning tasks, while Java provides the performance and flexibility required for building high-quality Android apps.

4. Google Maps (C++, Java)

Google Maps, the widely used mapping and navigation service, is developed using a combination of C++ for its core functionality and Java for its Android app. C++ allows Google Maps to achieve high performance and efficiency in rendering maps and processing location data, while Java enables seamless integration with the Android platform, delivering a robust and feature-rich mobile app experience.

These real-world examples highlight the diverse range of app coding languages and frameworks utilized by leading companies to create innovative and successful products. Choosing the right language and platform is crucial for achieving optimal performance, scalability, and user satisfaction.


In conclusion, the programming for mobile in 2024 presents an array of diverse languages and frameworks, each offering unique advantages and capabilities. From the versatility of JavaScript to the performance of Swift and Kotlin, developers have a wealth of options at their disposal to create innovative and impactful mobile applications. 

As technology continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest trends and advancements in mobile app development programming languages is essential for developers to remain competitive in the ever-changing market. 

If you’re planning to enhance your business with a digital interface, it’s crucial to choose the right programming language. To determine whether Python or Java is best suited for your requirements, please refer to our blog on the same.

Ultimately, the choice of mobile app development language depends on various factors such as project requirements, target platforms, and developer expertise. By carefully evaluating the strengths and limitations of each language and considering the specific needs of their projects, developers can make informed decisions that lead to the creation of exceptional mobile experiences. 

Whether embracing cross-platform frameworks for maximum reach or leveraging native languages for optimal performance, the top mobile app development languages for 2024 offer endless possibilities for building cutting-edge applications that delight users and drive business success.

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